creates a Saved Games folder at ~/Documents/ScummVM Savegames/, where ~ represents your Home folder. allows switching between fullscreen and windowed mode (press Alt-Enter)… fullscreen mode is set as the current default. an in-game Riven Options Menu: Transitions, Zip Mode, water effects (select Options from GMM). an in-game Global Main Menu (GMM) which covers the basics: Quit, Save, Load, and others (press Space bar or Ctrl-F5). Launcher Menu for starting Riven and adjusting settings (though the defaults should be fine). ScummVM provides the following services for playing Riven: Together, this combination allows Riven to run on your Intel Mac as if it were a normal Mac OS X application.
The Riven Mac Installer (45 MB) installs a special configuration of your original Riven files, along with a compatible Release Build of the open source ScummVM interpreter (both 32bit & 64bit versions are included). Here's an installer for running your original 5-CD and DVD Mac versions of Riven on your Intel Mac.